Wednesday, 23 December 2015

South Africa: Days 4 & 5

The 4rth day: 
We told the rangers not to wake us up for the morning game because it started very early again and we decided that we could still do the one tomorrow.
Even though my sisters and I slept without any issues, my parents got woken up at 4, 4:30 and 5, my mum was already complaining about the rangers not listening to her request when we saw the real troublemakers, a bunch of monkeys jumping on the roof of her room.

We took the day with ease, relaxed at the infinity pool, showed Sofie how to play pool and few more things, at 4:15 pm we started getting ready for the evening game:

We encountered more elephants and at this point we even started wondering how it came that we saw so many: apparently there is an over population of about 7000 elephants in the area. 
Then we found some baboons, different kinds of birds of which we got a lot of information, inyalas and we got very close to a group of zebras. After sunset we spotted an owl and a few rabbits.

The crazy ostrich 
The next morning we did get up for the game and it wasn't in vain, after a good while of tracking and driving, we stop for coffee, and here is where the good part comes. As soon as we stop the car this we saw 500 metres further starter running like crazy towards the car, she walked around us as we were having our coffee and seemed to really enjoy the company. We got told that she got lost and wandered very far off from her original group, and she probably lost her mind because of the loneliness.

From left to right:
Morgan (my sister), Bradley, me and Sofie (my other sister)
After breakfast it was time to say goodbye to Bradley and continue to our next destination. He told us that on our way there we could drive by a panorama route with very nice viewing points, like god’s window and the three rondavels.

After visiting the viewing points sure looked incredible. On the last bit of trip we had before reaching out guest house in Nelspruit, we got surprised by a hailstorm, massive stones of hail hit the car, and the rain looked like it was going to make new rivers. Luckily it was all over in about 15 minutes.

After getting installed in the guest house we decided to head towards the city centre and have some dinner there, eventually choosing a Greek restaurant, in South Africa, because that sounded like something we had to do while being here. 

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